You also get fans of 5 who despite it's missteps still consider it a net improvement over 3 and 4. You therefore get vocal groups of fans who will sing the praises of Far Crys 3 and/or 4 to high haven and have little to nothing good to say about 5. (FC6 is giving us the best of both worlds- A named, voiced character who's appearance can be customized) That was also near universally seen as a bad move. It also gave us a character creator screen for the first time, but that meant we were no longer playing a voiced and named character.

5 also introduced a 'kidnap' mechanic which was widely considered (by both supporters and detractors) to have been overused. You can still hunt, but it's optional a way of earning money, not a requirement for upgrades. Some Players love these things and consider them essential to 'the far cry experience' other players utterly despise them.īoth of these mechanics were eliminated in far cry 5. One of the most common points of contention is that 3 and 4 contained a couple of highly divisive gameplay mechanics 1) Hunting animal skins is required for gear upgrades and 2) climbing radio towers is required to unlock the map section by section.

One players 'Wishlist' of far cry 6 features is often a perfect copy of another players 'Things i don't want in far cry 6' list. But that appears to be the Nature of the far cry games They are highly polarizing. I was not particularly impressed with 4, far too many things i personally found annoying. My personal opinion would be to play 3 or 5 first.

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