Video or photo collection - You could use these sound effects to create a fun video of your family's Halloween night, or put together a slideshow of photos that incorporates background sounds.Ringtone- Get in the Halloween spirit by changing the ringtone of your phone to a scary seasonal sound.Voicemail - If you're not taking serious business calls, use your Halloween sounds as part of your message on your voice mail. A selection of scary sounds from which shivers - download for free on our website.Intersperse your sound effects among the playlist to make sure that the theme of the party is carried out throughout the evening. Halloween Party - Halloween sounds make the perfect "filler" between Halloween-themed songs at a party.Save the really scary ones for later in the evening, when the very small children have already finished going door-to-door. Teaches the basics of how to create sound effects for film and television. Helland, featuring instruments like piano. THTR-T 147 MUSIC AND SOUND DESIGN IN HORROR AND SCIENCE FICTION (3 CR.) Examines the history, creation, and implementation of sound design and scoring for science fiction and horror, which have developed a rich language and tradition over the past 100 years. Background Noise on Halloween - When trick-or-treaters come to your door, treat them to some Halloween sounds. 24K Share 3.9M views 7 years ago 3 hours of scary instrumental music that is creepy, dark, suspenseful & eerie.Consider playing certain eerie sounds at key stops in the haunted house, suddenly and loudly, for maximum impact. Use scary sounds to set the right atmosphere. Haunted Houses - Haunted houses are a staple of Halloween celebrations.Once you've gathered a collection of sound effects for Halloween, you can put them to good use in a variety of ways! Make sure that all of your sounds are in the same format, and then put them together in a playlist or on a CD so that you can take your sound effects with you. Spook your audience with the scariest copyright-free music on Uppbeat, perfect for horror content and scary videos.